Comissioned works
Taffelpikene is aiming to increase the amount of new music written for woodwind trio. The trio commissions pieces from Norwegian composers (primarily), and has through this project been supported by Arts Council Norway, The city of Oslo and Det norske komponistfond. Taffelpikene have held concerts throughout Norway and in Sweden under the title Nytt i Nord! (News from North).
Commissioned works:
De blå minuttene (2014/15) by Aleksander Waaktar (NO)
Pingvinene (2015) by Mark Candasamy (NO)
Moonshot (2016) by Daniel Kelley (USA)
Less obvious (2017) by Brede Rørstad (NO)
Three pictures (2017) by Eirik Hegdal (NO)
Sequencer (2017) by Sindre Hotvedt (NO)
Man (2019) by Håvard Lund (NO)
Alku, Treblåsblues og Post (2020) by Hanna Paulsberg
Suite for treblåstrio (2021) by Guro Kvifte Nesheim
Freya and her daughters (2021) by Henning Sommerro
Break the Mould (2021) by Shannon Mowday
Trauerlied (2021) by Georg Riedel
Væt leppene, trekk pusten (2022) by Karoline Wallace
Året du dro og kom tilbake (2022) by Liv Andrea Hauge
Alveskogens oppvåkning (2022) av Jasmin Tømta
A new spring will come (2022) av Ieva Velika